Motor On Line

Kart: the myth of equality
Reportagem: KartCom Selection

In France, equality remains a controversial issue. The second word in the motto of the French Republic, which emerged from the Revolution of 1789, Egalité is engraved on the pediments of town halls and printed on official documents between Liberté and Fraternité, and appears in Article 2 of the French Constitution. As the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man hammered home: "Men are born and remain free and equal in rights". No doubt our 18th century ancestors would have been wise to show greater reserve in their declarations. "It would be nice if men were born and remained free and equal" or "We are going to do everything we can to ensure that...".

When you think about it for more than two seconds, equality seems like an unattainable utopia, even if it is desirable. The notion of equality seems very interesting in that it concerns the fair treatment of human beings and respect for what is due to each individual. In motor sport, this idea is gaining ground at a technical level. Karting has put it into practice through various formulas such as the FIA Karting Academy Trophy, which paved the way for the French Junior Championship. The aim is to detect and train young talent on equivalent equipment, so that the real abilities of each driver can be assessed more objectively. French F4 is based on the same principle, as is the Rotax Grand Final. Just as equality is not possible between human beings, fairness remains relative in the mechanical field. We need to admit this once and for all, so as not to ruin the efforts being made to achieve fairness.

Indeed, the human mind is quick to criticise a general concept on the basis of a single counter-example. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that people first look for excuses before questioning themselves. Tyres often act as a fuse in motor racing. It's a mysterious area that makes it easy to shirk one's responsibilities. The card is abused by drivers and teams. While laudable attempts are being made to strengthen the overall fairness of motor sport, some negative reactions sometimes seem disproportionate. That's just the way it is, and it's no easy task to want the greater good at all costs.

We welcome the initiative taken by the FFSA to provide competitors in the French Mini 60 Championship with identical engines direct from the Vortex factory. 80 engines selected at random for each track session already represent a considerable effort on the part of Vortex France. Were the performances of the engines close enough? Undoubtedly. Did the talent of the drivers make the difference better than ever? Yes, but were some egos bruised? No doubt! Did the operation benefit the fairness of the sport? Of course it has. Should we continue in this direction to produce better drivers and better adults in the long term? Of course.

The drawing of lots for identical engines is an excellent idea for young people within a federal framework following a call for tenders, especially as the competition as a whole offers other opportunities for drivers, teams and technicians to compete freely on all levels. Bravo to the FFSA Karting for daring to take the plunge and let private organisations organise as they wish. There's room for everyone, let's make the most of it. Isn't that what freedom is all about?

About KartCom

Kartcom is the communication department of the French company KSP Reportages.

A tool for large-scale communication!

In 2004, KSP Reportages was one of the first to offer the production of karting press releases to its customers. Numerous well-known players in the kart and automotive industry rely on KSP Reportages for the production and distribution of their press releases to a mailing list of more than 30,000 targeted and verified contacts worldwide.

Kartcom has recognised expertise and solid experience in the production of press kits and presentations, as well as brochures, advertising materials and collector books.

Launched in 2007, the Kartcom website quickly became an essential tool in the international karting world. Users to benefit from a unique database of drivers, circuits, competitions and much more, which can be consulted free of charge. Published on along with news photos by KSP Photo Agency, the articles from KSP Reportages provide simple and accessible communication elements contributing to social network feeds and websites, while benefiting from the archiving and development as well as the influence of Kartcom.


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